zaterdag 12 juni 2021




En 12 messen.

Ik lul ze weg.

Hard kletsen.

Liegen dat ik niet lieg.

Lachen joh altijd, dat.

Klapjes op de schouder 

Van het tafelblad.

Beetje schreeuwen.

Leid af.

Voor de waarheid

Ben ik te laf.

Maak je geen zorgen.

Morgen heb ik dit


En de winst?

Nederland vergeet 

Het altijd ook.

Why do you hate me so much?


Why do you hate me so much?

Please don’t tell me it’s your age

And that you are out of touch.

Religion is not a thing to use 

Just to give you a pass.

Why do you crave me so much?

Is it that I don’t want to be like

You that much?

Is it that putting down your ego

Is too much to ask?

Why do you need me so much?

That you spend your whole day

Thinking about my crutch.

Why do you judge us for putting

Our own gender to the test?

Is it so much of an issue that people actually think about these things,

Is it so much of an issue we don’t follow every rule from the beginning?

Is us existing for ourselves and not for you the thing that leaves you scarred?

Or is it that in this world we are not allowed to know we are?

Step away from these children if you don’t step away from your harm.

I am fed up of the trauma and fed up of what has been done.

Cause they are not wrong, they are not wrong, they are not wrong,

You are all what is wrong.

Why do you hate us so much?

I don’t care anymore, keep 

Your pearls clutched.

Just do the same with

Your mouth at last.