zondag 29 oktober 2017

You my home

Every day their hands are touching
Every day their words are licking
Every day my mouth is grinding
Every day another battle coming
Every day the fire a bomb ticking
And I find you my home

Here are their words between my wheels
Here are their words between my layers of fat
Here are their words I managed to crush with my heels
Here are their words that left my bruises
Here are their words stuck between my feels
And I find you my home

So drink to them not believing me
So drink to the Woman they are patronizing
Drink to the bodies they keep finding
In the closet where they keep us hiding
Drink to the honesty of their lying
And still I find you my home

The cuts that they are reopening
The blood that just keeps flowing
The daily barrage of bad new on the internet
And images of wounded animals
Just like me but maybe not like me
And I smile to find you my home

And when I cry you give me home
And when I scream you give me home
And when they hurt me you protect our home
So when I tried you give me home
Not smile when asked to you give me home
You my home, you my home, you my home

Tired. Arms. Home.
Love. Cats. Home.
Sounds. You. Home.
You my home
You my home
You my home

vrijdag 27 oktober 2017

I am human

I am human,
I am the shape called human,
I am the one called human,
I am the "Woman" Human,
I am the birthed human.

I try to be the empowered human,
But I remember that I was the battered "Woman",
And still the oppressed human,
The called less than Human Woman,
The sexual harrassed Woman.

Fuck Damnit, I Am human!

I am birth control human,
Freedom of body human,
Stand in line for my benefits human,
Disabled fucking rolling human,
I am called the Fat Woman.

I am ignored by doctors Woman,
Cause my issues are too Woman for them,
Not taken seriously by many cause I am Woman.
Especially cause I dare to be a mentally ill human.
Who will believe that crazy human.

Hear Me Roar Like A Fucking human!

You call me slut cause I am Woman
Who dared to live my idea of Woman,
Who did not want to fuck you Woman,
Oh dear, poor little you.
Slanded by I love those unafraid to love me Woman.

I was I dared to wear make up Woman,
And also dared not to Woman,
Going months without shaving Woman,
Dare to show hairy pits Woman,
Dare to dye my fairy red Woman hair.

I Am Going To Fight You Like A Woman!

Cause we know how to fight we Women,
Bleed so many fucking ways and not die, we Women!
Loud Women, Unapologetic Women, Proud women!
And I bending unbroken Woman, Rolling activist Woman,
Is going to crush you until we are Human!

Crush until the wage gap is truly a myth Human,
And rape culture really doesn´t exist Human,
And equality and equity are true for Humans.
I hear you screaming in my face now, Men.
Be a choke on your "Well, actually" Human.

Are You Hearing Me Now, You Cu.. "Human"?

Let me tell you know, Human,
This housebound Woman,
This barenaked Woman,
This most of the fucking times unseen Woman,
Is still right fucking here!
I am nonbinary but society treats me in a lot of ways as a woman and my writing reflects this often.

maandag 23 oktober 2017

How to

If you told us how to wear
Our smile, our dress, our fear,
Our stories or our hair
If you blamed us for your fists
Or if you blames us for your stare
You have overstayed your welcome

woensdag 18 oktober 2017

Don’t you dare because I’m woman

Don’t compare me to house that needs locking,

I am human.

Don’t compare me to a wallet that needs hiding,

I am human.

Don’t compare me to a gun you lock away,

I am human.

Don’t compare it to a car crashed,

It's not an accident.

Don’t compare it to an animal attack,

It's not instinct.

Don’t compare it to an avalanche,

It won't stop by itself.

Don’t you dare do it just because I’m woman.

Don’t you dare patronize me because I’m woman.

Revictimise me because I fucking dare to be woman.

But you blame me because I am not a locked way woman.

You point at me because I am walk in the streets woman.

Say I started it because I am a talking woman.

I pray for the men to rise that risk understanding it.

And I love those that actually make me stronger.

I shouldn’t have to care for the words of strangers.

But these thoughts they keep me endangered and I’m wounded

They ask what I drank as if I was the dagger.

They tell me I am a stupid girl.

You want to carry the burdens because I am woman.

You are not really protecting this silly woman.

You are deflecting away from men.

I have the same rights as a human,

To live life like you as a human,

So kindly fuck off you!

All we ask for is that you stop raping us, human

But you are less than human, human

That is what I suspect.

And until then I am an army of ten thousand humans

In the body of one single woman,

A murderous riot on the doorstep of you men.