zondag 17 december 2023
Hindsight is 2020
vrijdag 15 december 2023
Small town gossip
woensdag 13 december 2023
Altijd hetzelfde
Ik geloof niet meer in menselijkheid.
Ik geloof niet in de kracht van velen.
We breken af en dan hebben we spijt.
Creƫren open wonden die niet helen.
Eigenlijk verandert er niet echt iets.
Worden wij als mens niet echt beter.
We praten tot we niets meer zien.
Tot ons woord niet langer iets betekent.
We zeggen dat we niet liever willen
In deze wereld dan vrede.
Maar we draaien om in stilte
Terwijl zij hun hart uit schreeuwen.
Papieren waarschuwingen
Die vast zitten in hun kelen.
De manier waarop jullie zwijgen,
Dat spreekt pas echt boekdelen.
dinsdag 12 december 2023
Two bodies in the grass.
One moment that was up for grabs.
One hand on my hands
Your other spelling out a demand.
Your hand moved freely,
Finding the silence that you need.
This pressure I feel
Will spend years of my time poisoning me.
Now I carry scars on those hands
From twenty thousand times washing them.
And still I can't get you off.
I should be angry but still I am not.
I blame myself because that is all I got.
The scars climbing up my arm as I ran.
I ran from my memories.
And I ran from my mind.
I ran from my heart
As I left the pieces behind.
I ran from commitment
And I ran like a fool.
I ran from the pressure
I ran and ran as I knew
I couldn’t close the distance from you.
But still I ran for….
Decades of my life.
Hiding memories I denied.
But I couldn’t make myself lie.
Here it was again, you and I.
And as I got back in my body for another time.
Watched the scene unfold through my own eyes.
I hope this time it is you that dies.
woensdag 6 december 2023
To dust
Always falling now.
Every day is the same.
I watch the world burning
On the breath they gave
To heal the wounded
And lift the breathless up.
I bear witness to lives
Crumbling into dust.
And when they run out
Of the breaths they gave
To keep us warm, you come
To carry their limbs away.
Why are they cries for help
Answered with a world of silence?
I bear witness to a world
Burying their resilience.
Can you not hear the hands of the clock moving forward?
And how even those hands are asking you to stop?
To stop and listen to the stories you are erasing?
But your barbed wire hearts are tearing them apart.
“It’s every man for themselves” is what you said.
And they wouldn’t even have a moment to scream in anger.
Cause if they dared to have any of the feelings
You will call their dead silent bodies the aggressors.
And as the hands move forward,
And as eyes turned heavenward
The clock moves another hand.
Do you hear them call?
Do you hear them at all?
One minute to the next bomb falls
One minute to the next bomb falls…
Are you counting them yet?
Counting the wounded
And counting the limbs
And counting the dead children.
Counting the blown buildings.
Counting the once loved people
That are now left alone
And the places once called home.
Counting the hearts turned stone
And the once that are broken.
Counting the excuses politicians
Wants us to fall asleep in.
Counting the lies that they tell
And the sounds that sound like hell
And counting the people under their spell
Counting the days until we can’t count them at all…….
Always falling now.
Every day is the same.
I watch you all fall silent.
As silent as the breaths they gave.
You forgot the wounded
And put other stories up.
So you won’t need to bear witness
To their lives crumbling to dust.
I have seen your heart and it is not breaking.
I have seen your soul and it is not there.
It told me it was never watered.
It tells me you forgot to care
For it.
The leaves turned brown and you didn’t notice.
The stems wilted and you never felt a thing.
Your life just seemed to go on.
The loss barely stinged
When your heart comes back to summer,
If it comes back to summer at all?
Will you then mourn the loss?
Or will you just wait for fall