donderdag 30 juni 2016

Across the Borderline love

Love me,
But don´t hold me too tight.
Hold me,
And don´t kiss me too light.
Too close,
You will give me a fright.

No no,
Where are you going?
I don´t want you to go.
Just stay here with me,
Just stay here with me.

I hate you,
But don´t want you leave.
I love you,
And I am awaiting the grief,
Awaiting the grief.

No no,
Where are you going?
I don´t want you to go.
Just stay and love me.
Just stay and love me.

Oh god, love will be the end of me.
You are going to burn me up and I,
I will het it happen.
Oh god, This will be death of you,
And for sure I am going to bury
Myself with you.

I crave them to speak.
I rise,
And the fall is steep.
I love,
I love too deep-ly

Oh god, I fight for what is righteously
Mine, and I will go under or die,
Die trying and trying again.
Oh God, your hand is always in mine
And we always go under together,
Drowning till swimming is possible.

I, have never done this before.
Will you help me, Hold the door!
I am not leaving without you.
Life, is a balancing act,
And in retrospect…

I want you to love me
And hold me tight
Kiss me,
And not just tonight.
Hold my hand
Until the morning light
And then some more,
Then some more…

vrijdag 17 juni 2016

There is something you don´t know

You said I lied,
I said I hide,
You said you won´t believe me.

You said I blew things up
Right our their proportions
But you think that cause you won´t believe me.

But there are these things you have never seen.
An image in the dark and that image is me.
You said you won´t listen and I don´t think you will watch
And see me lying here so still while the world rushes.

I am lying here in the dark because my body deceives me
And you don´t know.
I can´t bare the light, I can´t bare the sound and I can´t bare the silence either
And you won´t know.
It is my truth, after just 2 things of doing, my punishment for trying to feel alive
And you can´t know.
I live my life in less than half the time I have to spend and it makes me sad
And I don´t think you want to know.

How many times I have spend here crying
Between the sheets inside this room.
How many times I wonder if I should be
More scared for life than I am to die.
How many times I have been trapped here
With my thoughts to roam and how they feel like doom.
How many times I tried to smile and how
Many times I meant it and oh god I try….

And you don´t know the aftermath of everything I tried to do.
And you don´t know the eruption of guilt I feel for just being me.
And you don´t know how I tried to fix things without losing myself
In the process and you don´t know how I wished that I could be

Someone else. Just for you.
Just for me.
Just for them.
Just for the world that seems
Open at my feet and I can´t fucking reach,
Oh why can´t I reach?

I can always forgive but I am never able to forget
And I am not able to play the part and pretend
That everything never happened,
But I am lying here in the dark and you don´t know,
But secretly you already judged me for doing so.
There is no one but you who can change that.

This is not what I wanted, but you don´t see.
This is not how I imagined life to turn out, but you don´t know.
This is not the future of being me I thought, but you don´t see.
I never wanted this at all, and still you don´t know.

So call me a sick sick little liar,
And now I will hide only further.
Back in the dark room where no one can´t see me.
Maybe my body is protecting me from your judgment.
But I hardly reckon it is needed,
Your silence is deafening,
And I think I need to let go,
Because there is nothing threatening
About everyone of you who turned around
While I am lying here in this dark room,
Filling up my days,
Not making any sound.

Unwilling to see me lying here filling my days
Is rather telling of the little ways
You live in your world, and I in mine
And you don´t want to be proven wrong and that´s fine.

Maybe one day I will stop counting the days
Until the pain will just become painful memories
Or everything turns to scars and we find a way
To become closer again, but I won´t hold my breath.

I am lying here in the dark room, and you have hurt me,
Without even knowing so, my friend.

zondag 12 juni 2016

It has been a while

Let´s draw a line
Let´s shut the door
Let´s draw the needle
over her skin
And hurt some more

Let´s make it okay
The way it all plays out
And give her the blame
Not even a sentiment
Or some doubt

Let´s make it look
Like it does not hurt her at all.
Let´s give her a kick
And then let here take the fall.

I have tried in so many ways now
And every way is still not enough.
I have tried to meet you on middle ground
But still I was not close enough.
You wanted me to see it all your way
While mine kept on being ignored.
And I accepted my fault,
But still I wait for you to see yours.
I am just a punching bag, I guess.
Your good days are now my punishment.
And yes I know that it have hurt you to.
But that does not make this right,
Whatever what was meant.

Let´s take a dive
Into my soul
And see me swim
For many hours
To take back control

Over my life
And the things I feel
Over all those moments
That made you say
That I am not real.

That everything I feel or say is not worth a consideration.
That it is always me that has to walk the extra mile.
But the truth is, that I am tired of always walking.
If you want answers, come to me for a while.
Take the effort and come to me for a while.
Why won´t you ever come to me for a while?
Am I for you event worth your while?
Hello you, it has been a while….

vrijdag 3 juni 2016

De jas

Een zwarte jas zat aan de bar,
Een drankje in zijn beiden handen.
Naast hem zat een echte heer,
Met een vraag die in hem brandde.

Wat heb je dan vandaag gedaan dan, man?
Dat het niet om 1 maar 2 drankjes vragen doet?”
De jas zette zijn drankjes terug op de bar,
En stoptte hem onder zijn hoed.

Dat is wat men altijd vragen doet,
Aan zij die besluiten te stoppen met zijn.
Die hun huid naast hun kleding heeft gelegen,
En van het podium verdween.

Zie je, ik ben ook een acteur geweest,
Zelfs een improviseur, ja echt.
Het was volledig tegen mijn wil,
Maar dat was wat het leven je brengt.

Een baan, een schuld, een podium
Waarop je laat zien jouw waard.
Jouw vrienden, jouw familie, zelfs jouw vrouw
Zijn een enkel wezen van ogen die naar jouw staart,

Elke fout is nooit vergeten.
Elke woord woord in de boeken opgeslagen.
Want dat is het leven, weet je?
Gisteren word nooit meer vandaag, en..”

De jas sprak passievol maar viel hier stil,
Zijn woorden als lakens over de bar gevouwen.
Tussen de man en de jas en al het leven
Begon het langzaam een muur te bouwen.

Ik denk dat je beter niets meer horen kan.”
Sprak de man in de ongemakkelijke stilte.
Zelfs toen ik mijn vrouw vertelde dat ik leven
Niet onder controle had, ontmoette ze mij met kilte.”

De jas deed eindelijk zijn jas af
En besloot te verdwijnen in de massa buiten
Alsof hij nooit uitzonderlijk was.
Toch hoorde men hem fluiten.

Zijn drankjes gedronken op de bar
Vier anderen er nog bij.
Zijn hoofd zal nu even stil zijn,
Opgelost en blij.