donderdag 30 juni 2016

Across the Borderline love

Love me,
But don´t hold me too tight.
Hold me,
And don´t kiss me too light.
Too close,
You will give me a fright.

No no,
Where are you going?
I don´t want you to go.
Just stay here with me,
Just stay here with me.

I hate you,
But don´t want you leave.
I love you,
And I am awaiting the grief,
Awaiting the grief.

No no,
Where are you going?
I don´t want you to go.
Just stay and love me.
Just stay and love me.

Oh god, love will be the end of me.
You are going to burn me up and I,
I will het it happen.
Oh god, This will be death of you,
And for sure I am going to bury
Myself with you.

I crave them to speak.
I rise,
And the fall is steep.
I love,
I love too deep-ly

Oh god, I fight for what is righteously
Mine, and I will go under or die,
Die trying and trying again.
Oh God, your hand is always in mine
And we always go under together,
Drowning till swimming is possible.

I, have never done this before.
Will you help me, Hold the door!
I am not leaving without you.
Life, is a balancing act,
And in retrospect…

I want you to love me
And hold me tight
Kiss me,
And not just tonight.
Hold my hand
Until the morning light
And then some more,
Then some more…

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