zondag 12 juni 2016

It has been a while

Let´s draw a line
Let´s shut the door
Let´s draw the needle
over her skin
And hurt some more

Let´s make it okay
The way it all plays out
And give her the blame
Not even a sentiment
Or some doubt

Let´s make it look
Like it does not hurt her at all.
Let´s give her a kick
And then let here take the fall.

I have tried in so many ways now
And every way is still not enough.
I have tried to meet you on middle ground
But still I was not close enough.
You wanted me to see it all your way
While mine kept on being ignored.
And I accepted my fault,
But still I wait for you to see yours.
I am just a punching bag, I guess.
Your good days are now my punishment.
And yes I know that it have hurt you to.
But that does not make this right,
Whatever what was meant.

Let´s take a dive
Into my soul
And see me swim
For many hours
To take back control

Over my life
And the things I feel
Over all those moments
That made you say
That I am not real.

That everything I feel or say is not worth a consideration.
That it is always me that has to walk the extra mile.
But the truth is, that I am tired of always walking.
If you want answers, come to me for a while.
Take the effort and come to me for a while.
Why won´t you ever come to me for a while?
Am I for you event worth your while?
Hello you, it has been a while….

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