dinsdag 19 oktober 2021

New year's celebrations


I fell into depression

On the sound of music

And my community dying.

I fell into the words 

Of people with thick

Lies who made me disppear.

I fell into love 

And into hate

And into …..

I still don’t know.

2020 isn’t over.

The clock says it is

But it is lying.

We are still here where we always were.

Put your fireworks in a box.

We are not there yet

Cause your last shred of humanity is also dying.

We need to count its body to the dead.



We are sleeping.

On the truth.

On the words.

On the pain.

We are sleeping.

On being heroes.

On being hopeful

While it rains.

While it rains

The arrows

Of people 

Telling all the lies.

And the hope

To turn them

Into a silence

For a little while.

For a little while

I want you

To consider

Seeing us alive.

Cause if you 

Don't, I fear

More of us

Will die.

You don't havw to try to shrink me


You don’t have to try to shrink me.

I won’t fit in your pill.

So you won’t fit me on your magazine cover,

In your clothing stores

Or on the medical bills.

You won’t give me healthcare,

Cause my care is tied

To a shrinking body.

I have gotten used to health

Being something that’s denied.

You will tell me I will be pretty

If I only lost the weight.

And tell me about the pants

That doesn’t fit, like

It’s my body type you hate.

And you do all these things 

And so much more, unprovoked.

I wish you realised what

You are saying but I know

That you won’t.



We zijn het ondergeschoven kindje,

We zijn de blik die je niet werp.

Ik vraag mij af, wat bezint je

Terwijl je over onze lichamen stampt?

Zijn wij dan nu al vergeten?

Nee nee dat is het niet.

Je vergeet alleen wat je kon weten,

En je herinnerde ons nooit niet.

We waren heel stil

De slachtoffers van jouw feesten

En de onderwerp van jouw luide onwil.

We waren de reden

Voor al jouw problemen

En van iedereen in de wereld.

We waren verschenen

In jouw hemel als een komeet

Die je liever uit de lucht schoot.

We waren onderwerp van

Jouw gesprekken waarin jij aanbood

Dat we liever dood moesten.

Je betichtte ons van ego

En alleen aan onszelf denken.

Maar nu je kans heb op een boot

Weg van dit alles, ben je enkel jezelf aan het redden.

En we worden weer weggeschoven,

Vergeten, achter in de rij gezet.

Zodat je kan vergeten of wij dood

Zijn of leven, en je terug kan naar je feesten.

Toen we GeenDorHout riepen knikte je mee.

Maar nu de mogelijkheid is een zeis te pakken

Hak je ons af onder de knie.

Wie gaat er voor egoisme ook al weer?



When I look at the movies,

Is shrunken women and

Space taking men 

And I am nowhere to be seen.

Representation makes happy.

It is this visceral need.

And I learned to love my body

By seeing people just like me.



Sometimes I wish 

I was born with more hands,

Some I can conjure

Right on demand.

But most of the time

I just wish I could rest

To stop putting 

My body to the test

Of fitting into

Society’s demands, 

Who all wish I was 

Born with more hands.

Don't sympathize with nazi's


To those 

Who didn't pay attention,

To those

Who said: both sides the same.

To those

Who kept making excuses.

And those 

Who gave it their okay.

To those 

Who stood by him

And those

Who are him with another name.

To those 

Who told us to be patient,

Your name is 

Written on this day.



If you are happy 

      And you know it

        You have not been

Paying attention

To the fabric 

Of the universe tearing open

And violence spilling out.

All of it able to be

Hiding in plain sight 

Cause we were not

Paying attention.

That and you probably

Had way more tea

Than me.

My body is not an invitation


My body is not invitation

Not a landing zone for your remarks,

For your unwanted advice,

Your threats. 


I'm not your mark.

No more fingers

In my thigh dimples, or stark

Contrast comparisons.

With your healthy ass legs

Cause no

I'm not your mark.

"You should diet" slides

Off my belly into the dark.

Together with " Why a

Wheelchair if you

Can walk? Damn!

I'm not your mark.

You can kiss goodbye

Calling my lardass or aardvark.

Or fake disabled, or lazy.

You can kiss it away 

Kissing my butt.

Will never be your mark

Spreek je uit



Open je ogen 

Voor wat te lang gebeurde.

Zie de mensen

Te lang vergeten

Samen komen en weet

Dat zij een doel hebben gevonden

Een community,

Een gedeelde smart in oude wonden,

En nieuwe, en ongehoorde.

De maatschappij,

Die ze te lang niet hoorden.


En zelfs al open je niet de deur

Voor hen, ze komen binnen.

Ik stem Bij1

Be brave


It's okay

To say:


I'm not okay

And to just be not okay

In your own little way.

Be brave.



I have been balling my fists

And I have been fighting.

With tears on my cheek,

I have been crying.

Wondered if my friends

Might soon be dying.

For 10 months 

I have been watching.

How with hook, line and

Sinker, they've been talking.

Reeling us in on lies

They are spreading.

The wares they got,

They are selling,

I don’t want it

But you’re demanding

That I take it cause I'm a burden.

So you're killing me here

And you’re laughing.

My death is

Having you smiling.

My body is

The thing you're hiding.

So you could be


You don’t know

What you are doing.

This page in history

Is burning.

Ik tel ook mee


Mijn stem doet ook mee,

Ik ben niet stil.

Sterke meningen

En sterke wil.

Woorden sterven

Zelden op mijn tong.

Ik ben wat ik ben

En waar ik voor op kom.

Maar er zitten altijd

Handen op mijn mond,

Die proberen te doen

Alsof ik nooit bestond.

Trekken de stem

Uit de diepte uit van mijn keel,

Uit mijn handen,

En mijn wil.

Stop! Stop!

Ik heb recht op mijn woorden

En je kan niet doen

Alsof je mij niet kan horen.

Ik tel ook mee,

En ik heb een stem.

Geef mijn recht op mijn recht

Terug en wen

Aan dat ik je pijn 

Niet langer accepteer.

Geef mijn stem terug,

En steel het nooit meer.


Tears like rain



I am made of pain.

Happy smiles,

And tears like rain.


And negative voices.

Hope that

Runs dry and stained.

I might be


That all this come together

Ends up in vain.

That everything I do

Goes down the drain.

Still I keep fighting

With happy smiles

And tears like rain.



We are all puppets

In this puppetshow.


Attached to hips

And sunken into our bones.

Front seats,

Drunken treats,

To put down our stones.

Sunken mentality,

Smiles covered in snow.

You are buried

On the bottom of the sea.

You stopped seeing 

What the water is doing.

And when it comes to a we,

You stopped caring

A long time ago.

So will you just let it be?

The status quo

To eternity?

But you better 

Let me add my voice

Into the myriad of voices

That had enough.

Don’t take my choice. 

I want to

Lift us up

And I want to hoist

The flag onto a future

In which we all matter.