woensdag 25 mei 2016


My dear,
You said that life is fleeting
And by definition so is time.
So you run like seconds are worth defeating
Until the life of you is gone.
But my love, you know not time like I do.
He sleeps in my bed and rises with the sun.
How can such a critter be fleeting?
If he has the same orderly day
After day after day after day.
And how can his time be worth defeating
For the chaos that will come unbound.

Is is not death that you are racing?
I can always see him in our tracks my love.
Maybe what you need is slowing down,
He might pass us by, the dove.
I think the world has turned upside down
For sure and so did I,
I was running until I could run no more
And I was running until I turned blind
And even after that I ran some more.

But time goes no slower here, you might think.
It goes by just as fast everyday
As I chose to walk my walks slower,
Talk my talks slower,
Fill my days a bit slower,
Stop and smell that flower just a bit lower,
Even though it did not smell of roses at all.
I did what every person would forget to do,
I breathe, I breathe, I breathe AND exhale
And the day I will finally met you
On the street I will have time to say hallo.

Isn´t that perfect? Those little moments
That not money but time can buy
And we have an abandunce of that.
The sleepy cat that perfectly lies
Between my breast when I rest.
Or the camera I brought
When surely someone in haste would have forget
That not the just big things in life matter
If it is just worth a brag
I am here, I am right here, love,
I am not the things you think I lack.

No I am laying here on the floor
The stones make my belly grow cold.
And I am petting the cat that crossed my path
And hearing her purr into my ear never goes old.
From my place here by the ground
I have not yet found where they buried the gold
But I found a dollar here, that´s almost as good
And look at the view on that building,
Amazing the beauty here from the ground.
Should I one day ever go sailing
I will bring my face as close to the sea
Not just to see underneath
But also see the skies further away from me.

Oh yes I mean it love,
There is no harm in slowing down.
What is your perpetual haste?
What is our perpetual fascination,
Nigh obsession with getting everything done?
This done, that done, so done, and yes
We have to have our responsibilities.
We have to take care of our lives
And we have to take care of each
And every one of us as well.

But what is the enjoyment in just enjoying
If it all is just another story to tell
And nothing to experience at all?
Another nod on the board?
Another stripe down right of the list?
God, don´t you ever get bored
Knowing that all the everything
You are doing turns to be nothing
At all in the end anyway?

So why not fully enjoy it all
And really take your time,
Yes the time you fear,
Taking everything in, and you´ll find
You have lived instead of ran,
Find in your precious time a friend.
Did ten things left feeling unharmed
Instead of doing 30 because you thought
Being a pusher througher made your life charmed.

No do not stop and just smell the roses now!
Stop and look at them right this minute.
Take them in and see every detail and you
Will see more than the whole lot
Of them racing you buy never knowing the details
Of that one single rose that caught your eye.
And is it time that brought you these moments
Or do you still believe time runs you by?
Time is nothing but a lie?

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