donderdag 11 mei 2023


You aren't allowed behind my eyes.
The curtains are closed and you believed the lies.
I'm not here to offer you a second view.
They came to push me off, and so did you.

I told you I was in pain.
You lied to me than blogged my story,
It was so inane.

I told you I wasn't believed.
You said you did but then the truth hit,
And so I grieved.

I grieved the things that you were really not.
All those years of friendship, or so I thought.
You blamed my body for your own failure.
You blamed my silence for what, I'm not sure.

But always you pop up.
I have no more feelings that need healing,
And I need you to stop.

Pop goes the weasel, 
But the weasel is blocked.
I'm done with cryptic messages, 
With being pulled back 
Under your wheels. 

This little piggy stayed home,
Broken from too much bending,
But warming my bones.
Yeah If I stayed your friend,
I would have always been alone.

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